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Choose one project to complete from the following options for your final Beowulf Project:


1. Choose a specific scene from Beowulf to illustrate, paying particular attention to specific details given in your selected passage. Include the passage on your illustration. Present on Poster Board.

2. Write an original episode for Beowulf. Create some new foe for him to fight. Try to follow the Anglo-Saxon style. 2-3 pages

3. Modernize Beowulf in a film project. How would you envision a modern-day or futuristic Beowulf? Think about what modern-day or futuristic counterparts each major character might have and what roles they would play. Sketch out a storyboard or write a proposal for the movie. Think about what costumes, sets, and special effects might be needed and include detailed descriptions. Create a film. Must include at least 2 scenes from the poem. This may be done with 1-3 partners.

4. Create a newspaper outlining the major events in Beowulf. Write articles and include appropriate pictures (hand or computer-drawn, cut from magazines or newspapers, or found on the Internet). In addition to major articles, include typical newspaper features like editorials, obituaries, advertisements, and comics.

Boewulf Project

October 10/ October 11 

Due X/Y Day (Check to see what day YOUR class meets) 

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